What is it?
As with most games in Poker is to beat the opponent goal. Poker is a game that will test your personality, skills and abilities. One can play for money or for fun.
There are many variations of poker games, but each sequence similar to the normal flow:
Players invest your chips on the table in a shared bank (Eng. Pot). Tokens can be to play just for fun, or may have the equivalent in cash.

Players are dealt cards (hand or eng. Hand) from which some or all of the hidden.
Players in the next round bet, ie, invest more chips in the bank's own estimates based on the strength of their cards with respect to opponents.
After the final round of betting the player with the strongest maps, or a player who has lost the last of the game, if other players cancel (Warner Fold) is the winner and wins the amount of the Bank.
And now you understand the maps with which to play poker games. Deck of Playing Poker has 52 cards divided into 4 characters that you see below. Starting from left to right, the first sign of the Peak (English Spades) followed by Heart (Hearts), diamonds (Diamonds) and Clubs (Clubes ). Symbols are the same strengths, none is stronger than the other.
Each sign contains 13 cards arranged according to strength and according to video poker rules. Poker Ace is the strongest card, a deuce weakest. However, As can be used as a unit.
Arm strength
To know when your cards in your hand stronger than the opponent You must know the strength of the hand. The strength of the hand is always the same no matter what variant of Poker play!
Poker Hand (Hand Eng.) contains five cards. A player who has the strongest hand wins. Next in order of strength of arms from strongest to naslabije:
Royal Flush - Is the same as the Straight Flush, but with Maps arranged to Ace.
Straight Flush - Scale maps of the same character sorted by size by any number.
Poker (Warner Four Of A Kind) - Four cards of the same večličine.
Ful (Eng. Full House) - Contains three cards of the same size and a few more cards of the same size.
Flush - 5 cards of any size, but the same characters.
Skala (Eng. Straight) - Maps sorted by size, either missing characters. Scale, which ends with Asa's most powerful, one that ends with The king is stronger than the one that ends with a lady, and so forth.
Trilling (Eng. Three of a Kind) - Three cards of the same size.
Two pairs (Eng. Two Pairs) - A pair of cards of the same size and another pair of cards of the same size.
One pair (Eng. One Pair) - Pair of cards of the same size.
High Card (Warner High Card) - The highest unmatched card, AS strongest and the weakest dvice.
As with most games in Poker is to beat the opponent goal. Poker is a game that will test your personality, skills and abilities. One can play for money or for fun.
There are many variations of poker games, but each sequence similar to the normal flow:
Players invest your chips on the table in a shared bank (Eng. Pot). Tokens can be to play just for fun, or may have the equivalent in cash.

Players are dealt cards (hand or eng. Hand) from which some or all of the hidden.
Players in the next round bet, ie, invest more chips in the bank's own estimates based on the strength of their cards with respect to opponents.
After the final round of betting the player with the strongest maps, or a player who has lost the last of the game, if other players cancel (Warner Fold) is the winner and wins the amount of the Bank.
And now you understand the maps with which to play poker games. Deck of Playing Poker has 52 cards divided into 4 characters that you see below. Starting from left to right, the first sign of the Peak (English Spades) followed by Heart (Hearts), diamonds (Diamonds) and Clubs (Clubes ). Symbols are the same strengths, none is stronger than the other.
Each sign contains 13 cards arranged according to strength and according to video poker rules. Poker Ace is the strongest card, a deuce weakest. However, As can be used as a unit.
Arm strength
To know when your cards in your hand stronger than the opponent You must know the strength of the hand. The strength of the hand is always the same no matter what variant of Poker play!
Poker Hand (Hand Eng.) contains five cards. A player who has the strongest hand wins. Next in order of strength of arms from strongest to naslabije:
Royal Flush - Is the same as the Straight Flush, but with Maps arranged to Ace.
Straight Flush - Scale maps of the same character sorted by size by any number.
Poker (Warner Four Of A Kind) - Four cards of the same večličine.
Ful (Eng. Full House) - Contains three cards of the same size and a few more cards of the same size.
Flush - 5 cards of any size, but the same characters.
Skala (Eng. Straight) - Maps sorted by size, either missing characters. Scale, which ends with Asa's most powerful, one that ends with The king is stronger than the one that ends with a lady, and so forth.
Trilling (Eng. Three of a Kind) - Three cards of the same size.
Two pairs (Eng. Two Pairs) - A pair of cards of the same size and another pair of cards of the same size.
One pair (Eng. One Pair) - Pair of cards of the same size.
High Card (Warner High Card) - The highest unmatched card, AS strongest and the weakest dvice.